17 October 2011

Sadisnya Budak di Gilis Truck di Market...

Aku malas nak translate dah pandai-pandai hangpa la baca...
Manusia sudah tidak ada nilainya lagi.....

Shocking start at 1:06
This video is came from a news program in china.
A little girl got rolled by a truck, people just walked by and ignored that girl and had another truck also rolled over her.

meanwhile , many people passed by but they did nothing .

A few minutes passed , another van crushed the girl , again. The little girl was almost die at the moment, she shaked her tiny hands , appeared that she was asking for help .

But those cruel passerby still did nothing and have gone . There were also a few cars passed by and it was very dangerous .
As we have counted , there were 20 people passed by within 9 minutes and no one helped , not even the mother with kid.Some drivers stopped and checked out what's going on , but there was still no one would help the little girl , not even take out their phone and call the police .
They just let the little girl lay on the floor and groaned in pain , let those car passed her by .

At last , it was the one bag ladies who helped , she carried the little girl from the middle of the road to the roadside .

When the girl was being carried , we can see that her bones were all broken and her body could no longer support her weight

16 October 2011

Dua kisah di Assam, India dan di Kuala Lumpur

Lelaki Berhati Syaitan...1

Seorang lelaki berasal dari Guwahati, Assam di India, telah membunuh isterinya dan berjalan keluar ke jalan utama dengan kepala isterinya yang terputus dan parang yang berlumuran darah sebelum ditangkap.
Ranjit Das, bapa kepada dua anak lelaki berusia sembilan dan enam tahun, menjalankan perniagaan kedai runcit kecil dan juga bekerja sebagai seorang pemandu autorickshaw sambilan
Dia dituduh membunuh oleh Ketua Hakim di mahkamah majistret pada hari Jumaat lalu dan dikenakan tahanan reman.
Isteri yang dikahwininya sejak 10 tahun, Amiya Daimary Das bekerja sebagai jururawat di Kesihatan Luar Bandar India. Beliau telah bertugas di Barpeta, kira-kira 170km dari Guwahati dan pulang ke rumah pada minggu lepas.
Ranjit kemudian mengesyaki Amiya mempunyai hubungan sulit dan mendakwa dia mempunyai bukti.
Beliau kemudian mengkelar leher isterinya pada hari Khamis lalu dengan parang, dan membawa kepalanya yang berlumuran darah dan berjalan melalui jalan utama bersamanya. Beliau kemudiannya ditahan oleh polis peronda.
“Saya mempunyai bukti yang cukup tentang perhubungan sulit itu. Beliau telah menerima panggilan telefon daripada seorang lelaki lalu menyebabkan saya hilang pertimbangan dan membunuhnya,” kata Ranjit.
Beliau mendakwa hendak pergi ke balai polis untuk menyerah diri ketika polis menangkapnya.


Lelaki Berhati Syaitan...2

Oleh Mohd Firdaus Ibrahim dan Kalidevi Mogan Kumarappaam@hmetro.com.my 17/10/2011   

KUALA LUMPUR: Suami setan! Itu ungkapan layak diberikan kepada seorang lelaki 
berusia 28 tahun apabila didakwa bertindak kejam ‘meletupkan’ isterinya menggunakan
bom petrol ketika mangsa sedang mandi di rumahnya di Kampung Baru di sini, tengah 
malam kelmarin.

Perbuatan keji yang dipercayai bermotifkan cemburu itu menyebabkan mangsa, 28, 
yang juga jururawat .di Hospital Kuala Lumpur (HKL) di sini, kritikal apabila lebih 80 
peratus tubuhnya melecur.

Semuanya bermula jam 12.20 tengah malam apabila mangsa yang baru pulang kerja, 
masuk ke bilik air di rumahnya untuk membersihkan badan.
Menurut sumber, sebelum insiden itu suami mangsa dipercayai sudah menyimbah petrol 
selain meletakkan bom petrol di dalam bilik air berkenaan.

“Sebaik isterinya masuk, suspek dengan sengaja membuang puntung rokok ke 
kawasan berkenaan menyebabkan tercetusnya api sebelum satu letupan kuat berlaku.

“Api hasil letupan kuat itu menjilat pakaian dan tubuh mangsa menyebabkannya menjerit meminta bantuan 
daripada suami,” 

14 October 2011

Hudud and Syariah Compliant Penal Code in Brunei

"siapakah KITA untuk berkata TIDAK atau TUNGGU DULU untuk melaksanakan Undang-Undang SYARIAH di hadapan ALLAH?"...

'Secular laws failed to deter crime'

Thursday, October 13, 2011
MODERN secular laws have failed to decrease the crime rate in the Sultanate and alternative Islamic punishments, such as the severing of hands for theft, have proven to be an effective deterrent in Muslim countries, said the former Minister of Religious Affairs yesterday.

Citing Royal Brunei Police Force statistics, Pehin Jawatan Luar Pekerma Raja Dato Seri Utama Dr Ustaz HjMohd Zain Hj Serudin said theft cases have risen 46 per cent in the past year, with 1,650 cases recorded in 2010. Only 237 arrests were made in connection with these crimes, with 194 men and 43 women detained.

The former minister said western countries have promoted the use of modern laws but their crime rate has steadily increased from year to year, with many criminals returning to crime once they are released from prison.

"These man-made laws have failed to (elicit) remorse among prisoners... This clearly shows that no matter how sophisticated the law, they are not effective in tackling crime," he said during the first day of an international seminar on implementing Islamic law in the BRIDEX Hall in Jerudong.

Presenting his working paper titled "Problems faced in the implementation and understanding of Islamic law", Pehin Dato Ustaz Hj Mohd Zain cited Saudi Arabia as a country that has successfully implementedSyariah law, including corporal punishment for theft offences.

"The government of Saudi Arabia has achieved stable peace since implementing Islamic law. Theft has stopped and robbery paralysed," he said. "It is noted that only 16 hands have been cut off in the 24 years since the law was implemented there."

In his paper, the former minister outlined the punishment for theft, called sariqah under Syariah law, in the Malaysian state of Terengganu. The penalty for a first offence is the severing of the right hand; for a second offence, severing of the left foot; and for a third offence, it is up to the court to determine a jail term to make the offender "realise and regret what he has done".

However, not all theft offences can be punished with the amputation of hands, commented the ChiefSyarie Judge, and there are exceptions prescribed in Islamic law for such circumstances.

"For example, if someone steals to feed the hungry or if a theft is committed from a place where valuables are not secured, such as unlocked car, then severing of the hands cannot be the penalty," said Pehin Siraja Khatib Dato Paduka Seri Setia Ustaz Hj Yahya Hj Ibrahim during an interview.

"In my opinion, many of the amputation sentences would not be carried out. It is only the last resort."

Pehin Dato Ustaz Hj Yahya said a number of criteria must be fulfilled before such a drastic sentence can be handed down on an offender.

"There must be witnesses, and the case must be examined to ensure it does not fall under any of the circumstances where amputation is excepted," he said. The Brunei Times